Darice 8-Ounce Glitter Jar, Red

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  • Red glitter jar. 8 ounces per package.
  • Perfect for adding sparkle to any craft project.
  • A big, clear plastic jar of red metallic, finely cut craft glitter
  • Glitter shakes out through small holes under flip top in lid
  • Super item for group crafting or large projects
  • Countless arts and craft uses
  • 8-Ounce by weight

  • Sparkle-up your craft projects, scrapbook pages and handmade greeting cards with bright metallic red glitter from this great big jar. Lightweight and comfortable to hold, jar makes glitter application more manageable-simply open and shake. Screw-on lid has a flip top that reveals small holes for the glitter to flow through. Superb item for group crafting in schools, summer camp, holiday craft classes and other large projects. Also lets you keep enough glitter on hand for future projects-one less trip to the store. Apply glitter to glue or other sticky surfaces to add brilliance and shine. 8-ounce in a clear plastic jar.
    Brand: Darice, Model: 1147-14

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