Versatile mirror can be used as Hand held, vanity or hang up
5.5-inch diameter; 9.5-Inches long
Must have travel mirror - folds flat and compact
15x magnification on one side and true image on the other
From Danielle by upper Canada, a company committed to Quality, service, and value
This 15x magnification mirror from Danielle creations is smart, attractive and the ultimate problem solver. It can be used as a hand held, vanity or hang up mirror! ideal for makeup application, facial hair removal and contact lens users. Folds flat and compact, making it a must-have travel mirror! make a statement of style with cosmetic mirrors and purse accessories from Danielle by upper Canada. With an extensive range of finishes and details, Danielle mirrors complement any home decor while providing a wide range of magnification to meet all your grooming needs. All Danielle mirrors are precision made of the highest quality optical glass. Aesthetically appealing, functional and suitable for a variety of needs. Providing both regular and magnified vision capabilities ranging from 3 to 12 times magnification, Danielle mirrors come in a variety of styles including countertop, wall mounted, handheld and suction. For over 45 years, Danielle has been a well-known and a highly respected entity in the personal care industry, with quality and good value as a driving factor in the development of their products. Brand: Danielle, Model: D007, Color: Clear
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