D-Link 10/100 Power over Ethernet Splitter 5V/12V (DWL-P50)

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  • Provides DC power over an existing Ethernet cable to a wireless LAN device or IP camera
  • Converts incoming power from a PoE switch into low-voltage DC power
  • IEEE 802.3af Compliant
  • Transmits power up to 328 feet away (100m)
  • Supports both 5V and 12V DC power (selectable through a DIP switch)
  • Protects wireless LAN devices from possible power surges

  • The DWL-P50 1-Port 10/100 Power over Ethernet Splitter 5V/12V is designed to supply operational power to surveillance cameras and wireless LAN devices such as access points, bridges, and routers. It enables power to be delivered over the network via an Ethernet cable, eliminating the need to locate the destination device near to an existing power source. As it takes a Power over Ethernet (PoE) connection as its input, the DWL-P50 is ideal for connections between a PoE switch and a non-PoE device. Network administrators can use the DWL-P50 to deploy wireless LAN devices and cameras in hard-to-reach places such as rooftops, ceilings, or any other place not in close proximity to a power source. This means that administrators can position network devices where they will be most effective, rather than having to settle for less desirable locations due to the limited availability of power, or use messy power extension cables. With the DWL-P50, both power and data can be transmitted up to 328 feet (100 m) using standard Ethernet cabling with virtually no reduction in data throughput. The DWL-P50 is simple to install, requiring no tools and no software, and is operating system independent. Its compact size makes implementation of the DWL-P50 easy. Network administrators can simply plug the DWL-P50 into a PoE switch, and then connect it to a non-PoE network device using a standard Ethernet cable and a power cable. Once set up, the DWL-P50 will output power to any compatible 5V or 12V device.
    Brand: D-Link, Model: DWL-P50

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