D&D Collector Series: Valindra Shadowmantle & Wight (Limited Edition)

Gale Force Nine
Out Of Stock


  • Product is for use in the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game
  • Product Number: GF9 71045
  • Models and games are supplied unpainted and may require assembly or preparation before play
  • Any scenery, paint, or glue is not included.

  • Dungeons & Dragons Collector's Valindra Shadowmantle & WightPackage contents: -1 x Valindra Shadowmantle model 1 x Wight •Product Code: GF9 71045 •Package Info: Valindra was once a beautiful moon elf wizard. After her death, the loss of her beauty drove her partially insane. Returning as a lich, she is the greatest threat facing Neverwinter, with the power to command Thayan necromancers, raise an army of the dead and control a Dracolich, an undead dragon of great destructive capabilities. - Product is for use in the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game - Models and games are supplied unpainted and may require assembly or preparation before play - Any scenery, paint, or glue is not included. Gale Force Nine and Dungeons and Dragons table top games
    Brand: Gale Force Nine, Model: GF971045

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