Cyber Acoustics ACM-500R Multi User Stereo Headphones

Cyber Acoustics
SKU: EZFB00006B9W9
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  • CONTROL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: 40mm dynamic drivers produce quality sound, and the volume controls on the ear cups make it easy to control your audio levels at all times. The stereo/mono switch lets you decide if you would prefer to hear from one driver or both.
  • ONE SIZE FITS ALL: With an adjustable headband and leatherette ear pads, these on ear headphones can be adjusted to fit most head sizes.
  • EASY TO USE: Simply plug in and play, no installation needed. Connect single 3.5mm plug directly to your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, MP3 player or gaming system. 1/4" adapter included for additional connection options. Separate volume control on ear cups.
  • DURABLE DESIGN: These headsets are hardwearing and long lasting, which is vital when being frequently used in school and businesses. The robust coiled cord is ultra-durable and student proof!
  • QUALITY GUARANTEED: Includes 1 year hassle free warranty.

  • The ACM-500 is a durable headphone built from the ground up for today's technology, with a 3.5mm plug and 1/4" adapter included. Separate volume controls on the ear cups and a stereo/mono switch makes control of these headphones a breeze. The ACM-500 is an affordable headphone solution for the classroom. Its durable build has been trusted by educators for years.
    Brand: Cyber Acoustics, Model: ACM-500R, Color: Black, Size: 7.2 x 7 x 4

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