Crystal Journey Herbal Magic Reiki Charged Candle Friendship 7"

Crystal Journey
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  • made with Musk, Carnation, Wisteria essential oils
  • At Crystal Journey Candles, each of our candles are hand poured using the finest wax and an exotic blend of essential oils.
  • The strong scent and colorful appearance of our candles are entrancing and delightful .
  • We believe all of these factors create a better candle with an unique character.
  • Handcrafted in the USA.

  • "I see the magic in every soul. I value and respect the thoughts, ideas and passions of all. A true friendship should be treasured like a rare gem."Magic Happens with Reiki Charged Herbal Pillar Candles. Each of our Herbal Magic Pillars have been designed with a specific intention using a unique blend of essential oils. Use Friendship Pillar Candle to attract new friends or strengthen existing relationships. Use in combination with Laughter to have more fun. Fragrance blend: Musk, Carnation, and Wisteria. Friendship: I see the magic in every soul. I value and respect the thoughts, ideas and passions of all. A true friendship should be treasured like a rare gem. Candles are made from soy and have natural metal-free wicks. Each was handcrafted in New England USA.
    Brand: Crystal Journey, Model: 84410, Color: red

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