Crystal Allies Materials: Rough Lapis Lazuli Stone Specimens with Calcite & Pyrite from Afghanistan - Extra Large 1" to 3" Raw Natural Stones for Cabbing, Cutting, Lapidary, Tumbling & Polishing and Reiki Crystal Healing Wholesale Lot

Crystal Allies Materials
Out Of Stock


  • Quantity: 3lbs (10-22 Pieces)
  • Size: Extra Large 1" to 3"
  • Stones have been soaked in water to showcase its potential!
  • Each and every specimen is unique and you will receive ones similar to the image shown.

  • Utilized by ancient kings and queens, the high-vibrational energies of Lapis Lazuli calls forth the inner 'king' or 'queen' that lies within each of us. It is a powerful thought amplifier and stimulates the higher mental faculties to assist us in our journey to awakening the inner Divine self. Elevating the psychic and metaphysical abilities, Lapis Lazuli allows one to raise his or her intuition and to gain access to the Akashic records.Working on the throat chakra, Lapis Lazuli is considered a stone of truth and aids in speaking the truth in all situations. By cleansing the body of old karmic patterns and encouraging one to express his or her own opinions, Lapis Lazuli assists one to move out of the mundane mind and into an expanded awareness of one's own motivations and belief patterns. This ultimately leads to higher intellectual ability, creativity and spiritual development. For those on the path as a spiritual seeker or student, Lapis Lazuli is a great ally for stimulating one's passion for attaining cosmic knowledge and understanding. Lapis Lazuli is used to help alleviate insomnia, vision, and hearing problems. It is also helpful in treating disorders of the throat, lungs, thymus, bone marrow, and immune system. It encourages honesty, compassion, and integrity and bonds people together in love and friendship while dissipating cruelty, martyrdom, and self-deception.
    Brand: Crystal Allies Materials, Color: Extra Large 1" to 3", Size: 3lb Lot

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