Cruiser Accessories 20030 Classic Lite License Plate Frame, Chrome

Cruiser Accessories
SKU: EZFB00032K80M
Out Of Stock


  • This is one of our best selling and most popular frames, providing a classic look that will complement any vehicle
  • Frame width is approximately 5/8 inch and does not obstruct the state name or registration stickers
  • Durable zinc die cast metal frame is chrome plated and carefully hand polished
  • Designed to fit all standard 6x12 inch novelty/license plates
  • User friendly and easy to install, see back of package for installation instructions

  • This is one of our best selling and most popular frames. It provides a classic look that will complement any vehicle. Cruiser Accessories is a family owned business that has been manufacturing and selling license plate frames for over 30 years. Through innovation, attention to detail and many patented designs, Cruiser has evolved into the largest supplier of license plate frames, novelty plate shields and mounting hardware in the automotive aftermarket. Cruiser's product line also includes both standard and exclusive Star Pin locking hardware, designer fastener caps, mounting accessories, motorcycle frames and 3d-Cals decals. Let Cruiser Accessories complete your ride's look today!
    Brand: Cruiser Accessories, Model: 20030, Color: Chrome, Size: 1 Pack

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