CRL Chrome 14" x 22" Pivot-N-View Mirror

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  • Official C.R. Laurence Product

  • The CRL Pivot-N-View Mirror is perfect for installations in residential and hotel bathrooms or retail store dressing rooms. It is almost infinitely adjustable and provides the user with full back and side views. The Pivot-N-View Mirrors are designed for installation on a sidewall within 18 inches (457 millimeters) or less from the existing mirror. The mirror may also be installed on an opposite wall and must be mounted at the height of the principal user. The Pivot-N-View Mirrors have a 180 degree arc from the wall plus 360 degree capability within their own frames. All frames can be mounted on the right or left hand wall by simply reversing the hinges. The Mirror arms extend a total length of 10 inches (254 millimeters) from the wall. Available in brushed nickel or polished chrome, the Pivot-N-View ships complete with mounting instructions and hardware making this product easy to install.
    Brand: CRL, Color: Chrome

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