Creative Whack Company Roger von Oech's Ball of Whacks, Blue

Creative Whack
SKU: EZFB0033J976S
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  • The ball of whacks is the perfect creativity tool for innovators, artists, engineers, writers, students, and you! It's a creative stimulant and a mental freshener! Awarded us patent 7,247,075.
  • The ball of whacks consists of 30 magnetic design blocks that can be rearranged into endless different shapes - including the beautiful 30-sided rhombic triacontahedron. More versatile than a puzzle and lots more fun than a brain teaser.
  • The ball of whacks comes with a 96-page illustrated creativity guidebook that provides you with tips, stories, exercises, and insights into the creative process. Each individual piece of the ball of whacks is a "golden ratio" rhombic pyramid. Held in place by 180 rare earth magnets, these design blocks fit together to form a perfect 30-sided rhombic triacontahedron - geometry's most beautiful shape.
  • Available in red, blue, black, and multi-color. Get all four!

  • Made up of thirty magnetic rhombi, hands of all sizes can take apart and rebuild this ball in endless ways to form amazing designs. Boost logic, creativity, focus, and more, all with the simple yet fascinating fun of this ball!
    Brand: Creative Whack, Model: VC0S2_978-0911121-02-5, Color: Blue

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