Crayola 68-4012 Colored Pencils, Long, 12-Count, Pack of 4, Assorted Colors

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  • The art material of choice
  • Perfect for school projects and detail work
  • Brand you can trust
  • 12 pre-sharpened long colored pencils that are strong and durable
  • 12 bright, intense colors with smooth lay down
  • The art material of choice.
  • Brand you can trust.
  • 12 pre-sharpened long colored pencils that are strong and durable.
  • 12 bright, intense colors with smooth lay down.

  • Release your child's creative imagination with the rainbow shades of Crayola Long Barrel Colored Woodcase Pencils. These strong, slender tools feature a thick lead core to hold up well under the pressure of intense work. They make smooth, eye-catching marks on blank pieces of paper, on sketchbook pages and in notebooks. It's easy to mix and blend shades with Crayola colored pencils to invent an original look. Their tips are pointed and ready for action straight out of the box. They're ideal for grade school classrooms, art rooms and any craft area at home. These pre-sharpened, colored pencils aren't just for the enjoyment of kids. Pull them out for use with adult coloring books, professional art projects and much more. Wrap them up along with a drawing pad in a gift package that encourages a young artist to practice skills.
    Brand: Crayola, Model: 684012, Color: Assorted, Size: Pack of 4

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