Corolle Les Classiques Suce Pouce Pink Stripes Baby Doll - Styles may vary

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  • This charming soft-bodied baby doll can sit up by itself and can suck on its thumb or pacifier, just like a real baby.
  • Offered in a variety of sizes so that every little girl can choose the Corolle baby doll that is just right for her
  • Adorable, just like a real baby these dolls are soft, light and delightfully huggable
  • At Corolle we bring caring, savoir-faire and style to everything we create, so that every little girl can find the doll of her dreams in our collection
  • Every Corolle doll is styled in France

  • The Corolle Classic Suce Pouce Pink Stripes 14 in. Doll is a charming, soft-bodied baby doll that can suck on its thumb or take its bottle just like a real baby. Suce-Pouce comes dressed in a pink striped romper and can wear any 14-inch baby doll fashion from the Corolle collection. Blue sleeping eyes. Ages two and up. Soft-bodied doll with sleeping blue eyes. Can suck on thumb or drink from bottle. Stylish wardrobe is interchangeable. Doll stands 14 inches tall. Suitable for ages 2 and up. Styles may vary.
    Brand: Corolle, Model: V9074, Color: Pink

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