Contemporary Style Padded Sofa Arm Chair In Solid Wooden Frame, White & Gray

SKU: BEN-BM181258
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Refresh the look of your interiorDecor with this stylish accent chair. Its gray and white floral and printed design over white fabric upholstery provides a modern look, while the sloped arms create a classic transitional corner. It features a style that blends contemporary and modern elegance with slight golden accents on the floral design. The solid wooden frame and espresso finished tapered legs of this chair adds a gorgeous contrast. Now enjoy your tea or coffee time with your near ones sitting on a stylish chair.
  • Includes: One arm chair only
  • Upholstered in fabric the chair carries a lovely printed floral pattern in eye catchy earthy shades
  • Constructed in wooden frame it has comfortable and padded seat, camel like back and slanted arms

Material: Wood & Fabric
Color: White & Gray
Upholstered: Yes
Upholstery Material: Polyester Blend;Rayon/Viscose
Upholstery Material Details: 52% Polyester 48% Rayon
Upholstery Color: White & Gray
Pattern: Floral
Product Dimension: L35 W35" H34" (Weight: 46.8 LB)
Package Dimension: L35" W28" H35" (Weight: 52 LB)

Custom Tab 01

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