Contemporary Style Padded Plush Leatherette Power Motion Loveseat, Black

SKU: BEN-BM184855
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Perfect choice for tech savvy folks. This contemporary power motion loveseat is upholstered in black leatherette and comes with lots of in-built gadget facility. Constructed from wood and metal, it comes with power headrest, touch controls with USB port, light up cup holders, storage in armrest and console with storage for cup holders. Its unique diamond quilt designing on the seat and back rest will add a visual appeal to this robust bold and handsome piece of furniture. It elegantly flaunts its super brimful headrest, ultimately comfortable seats, and armrest. The power loveseat can be a great addition for your living room or entertainment hall. Offering luxurious lavish lifestyle this will lend you utter comfort and relaxation.
  • One Power Motion Loveseat only
  • It features cup holders on left and right armrests
  • Enveloped in black leatherette over metal and wooden framing, it has hidden storage and cup holders in the central armrest.

Material: Faux Leather/Wood
Color: Black
Product Type: Loveseat
Design: Reclining
Reclining Type: Power
Seating Capacity: 2
Upholstery Material: Faux leather
Product Dimension: L41 W74" H41" (Weight: 248.4 LB)
Package Dimension: L75" W30" H34" (Weight: 257.4 LB)

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