Comotomo Baby Bottle, Pink, 5 Ounce, 2-Count

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  • Comotomo baby bottles are deisgned to most closely mimic breastfeeding to reduce bottle rejection and nipple confusion issues
  • Ultra wide-neck design allows easy cleaning by hand without a brush. Nipple and body is made of 100% safe hygienic silicone
  • Safe in microwave, boiling water, dishwashers and sterilizers
  • Maximum temperature for bottle and nipple is 180 degree Celsius and 120 degree Celsius for cap and outer ring
  • Dual anti-colic vents prevent unwanted air-intake and reduce colic

  • The world continues to change right before our eyes. But why is it that baby bottles are the same old unflattering tools After all, isn't the baby bottle one of the first objects that your baby experiences through all five senses Why should mothers have to worry about toxic plastic & colic-inducing design for something so basic & important We found no good reason & decided to challenge the status quo. In our voyage, we've learned an important lesson. Inspiring products are born only when we think with a mother's heart & experience through a baby's eyes. We proudly introduce Comotomo Natural-Feel Baby BottleTM. Comotomo Baby Bottles feature innovative and sensible design to most closely mimic natural breastfeeding. Our naturally shaped, soft, silicone nipples are ideal for babies who have trouble transitioning from nursing to bottle-feeding. Your little one will love to hold onto the skin-like, soft and squeezable body that is like no other bottle in the world. And you will fall in love with our wide-neck design for brushless, stress-free, cleaning bliss! Our bottles are equipped with truly innovative vents that are smartly designed to prevent colic, while completely eliminating annoying leaks. They are quite possibly the most thoughtful bottles ever made. 5oz bottles come with truly slow flow nipples (1 hole) designed for newborns up to 3 months. Easy Feedings, Happy Baby: - Naturally shaped, squeezable, soft, skin-like silicone – Ideal for breast-fed babies - Innovative & non-leaking anti-colic vents - Unique interlocking feature and no-drip design Easy to Clean: - Wide-neck design for easy, brushless cleaning - Safe in: microwave, boiling water, dishwashers and sterilizers Safe Feeding: - 100% safe materials: BPA, PVC, Phthalate free
    Brand: Comotomo, Model: 150ml Pink, Color: Pink, Size: 5 Ounce

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