Armadillo art & craft-pan pastel ultra soft artist pastel set
This seven color pan pastel weathering set for grays grime and soot colors create weathering and color effects on models and miniatures
Pan pastel colors are soft bendable erasable and have excellent lightfastness
An assortment of soft tools is included
Armadillo art & craft-pan pastel ultra soft artist pastel set. This seven color pan pastel weathering set for grays grime and soot colors create weathering and color effects on models and miniatures. This package contains one palette tray and stackable pans with seven colors: black Payne's gray extra dark neutral gray extra dark neutral gray Payne's gray tint raw umber tint and titanium white. Pan pastel colors are soft bendable erasable and have excellent lightfastness. An assortment of soft tools is included. Made in usa. Brand: Colorfin, Model: PP30702, Color: Weathering - Grays, Grime & Soot
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