Colder PLCD22004 Acetal Tube Fitting, Insert, Shutoff, In-Line, 1/4" Insert x 1/4"Barb

Colder Products Company
In Stock


Brand Colder Products Company
Color White
Size 1/4" Insert x 1/4"Barb

  • Insert coupler for connecting two pipes in a straight run
  • Coupler on one end and barbed construction on the other end for connecting two pipes or tubes with different ends
  • Made of acetal copolymer plastic for low moisture absorption and high tensile and flexural strength
  • Working pressure of up to 120 psi
  • Operating temperature ranges from -40 to 180 degrees F

  • This Colder shutoff in-line tube fitting is made of acetal copolymer and has insert and barbed connectors. This insert coupler fitting connects two pipes going in the same direction to extend a straight run. It has a coupler on one end and barbed construction on the other for connecting two pipes or tubes with different ends. The fitting is made of acetal copolymer plastic, which has low moisture absorption, high tensile and flexural strength, and is hard and fatigue resistant. The working pressure for this fitting is up to 120 pounds per square inch (psi), and its operating temperature ranges from -40 to 180 degrees F.

    Pipe fittings are components used for connecting, terminating, controlling flow, and changing the direction of piping in many different industries. Push-to-connect compression fittings do not require tools or sealants, and are useful in installations where a heat source, such as a soldering torch, is prohibited. When purchasing pipe fittings, consider the application, as this will affect material type, shape, size, and required durability. Fittings are available threaded or unthreaded, in many shapes, styles, sizes, and schedules (pipe wall thickness).

    Colder Products Company manufactures quick-connect couplings, fittings, and connectors for plastic tubing. The company, founded in 1978, is headquartered in St. Paul, MN.

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