Coghlan's Single Wide Rectangular Mosquito Net, White

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  • Rectangular single-wide mosquito net provides fully enclosed protection against biting insects and mosquitoes when sleeping outdoors or indoors
  • Fine white 180 mesh polyester netting with floor base completely covers a single wide sleeping bag or cot
  • Six reinforced metal tie tabs at corners and sides; anchor four corners into ground, hang top two corners from tree or posts
  • Durable mildew resistant polyester netting packs in easy enclosing carrying bag
  • Size: 78 x 32 x 59 inches (LxWxH)

  • Ideal to take on travel and camping trips to mosquito borne areas, this economically priced compact, ultra-lightweight mosquito bed net from Coghlan's fits over two sleeping bags or cots. The rectangular mosquito bed net provides fully enclosed protection against biting insects and mosquitoes when sleeping outdoors or indoors. The fine 180 hole per square inch white polyester mesh netting is easy to set up, anchor, and suspend with poles or rope (not included), which can attach and tie to the six reinforced corner and side tie tabs. Washable netting measures 78 x 32 x 59 inches (LxWxH). Coghlan's makes the outdoors more comfortable and enjoyable with over 450 accessories for camping, hiking, fishing, and RVing -- from cooking gear to first aid kits, insect netting, firestarters, tent repair, and more.
    Brand: Coghlan's, Model: 9640, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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