100% NATURAL: Cocoala charcoals made of coconut shell, no chemical additives used
SAFE TO USE: Does not produce any sparks while lighting or using.
LAST LONGER: Burns up to 3 times longer than any other charcoal.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: This product contains 1 box containing 216 or 72 ( Cubes ) pieces.
NO DAMAGE TO ENVIRONMENT: Not a single tree was cut to make this product!
Coco Ala Coconut Shell Charcoil is delighted to bring you this great way to smoke cleaner tasting shisha. These unique 100% natural hookah charcoals are made from compressed coconut shell and burns up to 3 times longer than any other natural coal. Eco-friendly, odorless and tasteless, Coco Ala coals are easily lit on a stovetop and are the natural coals of choice for many hookah enthusiasts. Our briquette is made of all natural materials: coconut shell charcoal and small portion of natural starch as binder. That's it! No borax, no nitrate, no anthracite. Nada! Briquetting is a process where coconut shell charcoal powder is compressed under high pressure using mechanical presses method. Mixing with very small portion of starch under this pressure thus binding the material into a briquette. During the compression of the material, temperatures rise sufficiently to make the moisture in the coconut shell charcoal to evaporate. This will produce dry briquette so it will be easy to burn. Brand: Coco Ala
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