Cleartex UnoMat, Anti-Slip Chair Mat, For Polished Hard Floors/Carpet Tiles, Rectangular with Lip, 35" x 47" (FC128920LRA)

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  • Clear polycarbonate floor protection mat with a low-tack anti-slip backing and a textured top finish for added stability in use; made from tough polycarbonate - the ultimate in clarity and durability; will not crack, scratch, curl, discolor or smell
  • Chair wheels will not sink into a polycarbonate mat under correct use
  • Protects hard floors against wear and damage caused by chair casters and shoes; anti-slip backing will not damage varnished or lacquered wooden floors - use mat with smooth side down for best results
  • Provides ergonomic benefits for chair users, as the easy-glide top surface can reduce leg fatigue; clear mat allows your flooring to show through, so won't look intrusive in your home or office
  • For polished hard floors, very low pile carpets and carpet tiles; rectangular with lip; 35" x 47"; mat size may vary slightly due to manufacturing process

  • The Cleartex Unomat is the ultimate anti-slip chair mat. Suitable for all floor types. Made from super-strong polycarbonate, it is transparent, tough and long-lasting. Its easy-glide top surface is designed to reduce leg fatigue for the user. Polycarbonate won't crack, scratch, curl, discolor or smell. Environmentally safe – PVC free and free of toxic chemicals. This mat lies flat immediately and can be used right away.
    Brand: Floortex, Model: FC128920LRA, Color: Clear, Size: 47 x 35 Inches

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