Clark Synthesis TST239 Silver Tactile Transducer Bass Shaker

Clark Synthesis
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  • For years, Clark Synthesis Tactile Transducers have given people what no other product can...another dimension to movies, music, and gaming. When attached to furniture or platforms, these transducers turn sound into vibrations, allowing you to actually feel the tremble of earthquakes, the rumble of engines, or the kick of a drum. With a Clark Synthesis Transducer, you'll feel sound and start to experience movies, music, and gaming like never before!
  • Continuous power handling: 100 watts | Recommended Amplification: 75 - 100 watts at 4 ohms | Frequency Response: 15Hz to 17kHz
  • Dimensions: 8 in. diam. x 2.25 in. high
  • Made in USA!
  • Requires a Surround Sound Receiver AND in many cases a seperate mono amplifier (100 - 150 Watts into 4 ohms for 1 unit | 120 - 150 Watts per Channel into 8 ohms for 2 units). Please reference wiring diagrams for more information.

  • The TST239 Silver Transducer is an excellent choice for most entry-level audio applications. This product is widely used in the game chair market, providing solid performance at an affordable price. The TST239 Silver can be used in some home theater applications. Originally developed for military and commercial training simulators, Clark Synthesis transducers were specifically designed to transfer sounds like gunshots and explosions into a tactile experience that can be felt as well as heard. This technology was enthusiastically received by the video gaming community. Gamers of all ages love the intensified sensory experience of competing in a gaming chair with a Clark Synthesis transducer. The TST239 Silver requires an amplifier for operation. Clark Synthesis recommends an amplifier stable at 4 ohms that can deliver 75-100 watts4 ohms (per transducer).TST239 Specifications: • Continuous power handling: 100 watts • Impedance: 4 ohms • Overload Protection: Polyswitch • Frequency Response: 15Hz to 17kHz • Electrical Connecion: 3ft. - 16 guage, 2 wire • Dimensions: 8 in. diam. x 2.25 in. high • Recommended Amplification: 75 - 100 watts at 4 ohms • The TST239 is not approved for vertical mounting.
    Brand: Clark Synthesis, Model: TST239

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