Hygienic Flexitape firmly secures thesensor to the outside of your child’s underwear
Hypoallergenic, latex free tape with durable adhesive to keep the sensor place during sleep
Non-residue tape does not stain on your child’s underwear
User-friendly design allows you to simply peel and stick the tape on the Chummie IntelliFlex sensor
Comes in pack of 60 tapes in green, blue or pink colors with designs that children love
Flexitape is simple, yet long-lasting solution for securing its IntelliFlex sensor on the outside of your child’s underwear. Flexitape is gentle on your child, but firm on the sensor. The long lasting adhesive on Flexitape ensures that the tape is firmly holds the sensor as your child sleeps. The firm grip of the tape allows the sensor to stay close to the point of urination and detect urine from the first drop so that your child never misses a bedwetting event! It only takes few seconds to attach sensor with Flexitape. Simply peel the tape, stick it to the sensor and attach sensor to the outside of your child’s underwear. Once the sensor is secured, attach it to the alarm unit and you can begin monitoring bedwetting accidents. Brand: Chummie, Model: TCT50G, Color: Green
Custom Tab 01
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