Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat, Grey

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  • Quick to set-up, easy and compact to fold
  • Sturdy metal legs adjust to three height position
  • Removable tray adjusts to three positions. Folded dimensions 17.5x 14x 4.5 inch
  • Three-point harness; Dimensions :15"L x19.25"H x 13.5"W
  • Anti-slip, non-marking feet. Usage:Only use with children who can sit up unassisted and who do not weigh more than 50 lbs. Always use child restraints and always securely attach booster seat to adult chair

  • This colorful booster seat is the perfect way to bring children to the table at home or on the go. The convenient carry strap and compact fold make this seat easy to take along to restaurants, on vacation, or to visit family. Pocket snack features easy to clean surfaces, three tray positions, three height adjustment, and a three-point harness. Two straps secure it to most dining chairs and a rubberize feet help keep it from slipping. For children up to 50 pound.
    Brand: Chicco, Model: 07079363470070, Color: Grey

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