Chicco KidFit 2-in-1 Belt-Positioning Booster, Atmosphere

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  • DuoZone combined head and shoulder side-impact protection with 10 positions for growing children
  • SuperCinch LATCH attachment and one-pull tightener helps keep KidFit in place and kid-ready for easy in/out!
  • ErgoBoost double foam padding and contoured seat design provide support in all the right places
  • 2 space-saving cup holders fold away when not in use and are removable for easy cleaning
  • Removable, machine-washable seat pad and armrest covers

  • The 2-in-1 KidFit Belt-Positioning Booster features DuoZone Side-Impact Protection, putting KidFit head and shoulders above the rest with 10 positions of combined head and shoulder protection for growing children. Stabilizing LATCH attachment and superior comfort make it a favorite for both parents and kids. Like other Chicco car seats, KidFit also features SuperCinch LATCH attachment and one-pull tightener, which helps keep the seat in place for easy in/out. Double foam padding and contoured ErgoBoost seat provide comfort and support in all the right places. Two soft-sided cup holders easily fold out of the way when not in use and are removable for easy cleaning. For added convenience, seat pad and arm rest covers are removable and machine-washable. Other features include easy-to-use vehicle belt guides, reclining seat, and removable backrest for use as a backless booster.
    Brand: Chicco, Model: 05079014570070, Color: Atmosphere

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