Char-Broil Portable Charcoal Tabletop Grill

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  • 190-square-in. cooking surface – enough for 11 burgers
  • Dimensions: 20.53W x 12.64D x 15H in.
  • Rust-resistant steel firebox and lid construction
  • High temperature black porcelain finish
  • Dishwasher safe cooking grate

  • You don't need a big grill to get big flavor. The Char-Broil Portable Charcoal Tabletop Grill folds up compactly so you can enjoy that fire-licked, smoky goodness wherever you go. It features a steel firebox and lid with easy-to-hang hook handle and heat-resistant black porcelain finish. The cooking grate is dishwasher safe and large enough for cooking 11 burgers at once. Take it tailgating, take it camping, take it whenever you know you're gonna get hungry! Char-Broil is a widely known producer of premium outdoor cooking products ranging from the finest stainless steel outdoor grills to the equally important spatula. Each of their products is crafted with care and precision, keeping in mind the exacting standards of their customers. Their products span a huge array of selection and price ranges; chances are they've got a product with you in mind. 190-square-in. cooking surface – enough for 11 burgers. Dimensions: 20.53W x 12.64D x 15H in.. Rust-resistant steel firebox and lid construction. High temperature black porcelain finish. Dishwasher safe cooking grate. Folding legs and locking lidUses charcoal (not included). Backed by manufacturer's warranty.
    Brand: Char-Broil, Model: S-190, Color: multi/none, Size: NO SIZE

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