Channel Master CM3414 4-Port Distribution Amplifier for Cable and Antenna Signal

Channel Master
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  • Four output ports
  • 7.5db gain per output.Verify AC voltage rating of power source conforms withAC/DC adapter
  • Professional grade performance
  • Meets US and international standards
  • AC/DC power supply included

  • Channel Master distribution amplifiers, manufactured by Channel Master's former parent company, PCT International, one of the leading manufacturers in the cable telecommunications industry, will boost your digital TV and HDTV signals, increasing their overall signal strength. They have a miniature design which will give you more space to relieve congested installs when space is at a premium. Channel Master distribution amplifiers are professional grade and meet stringent US and international standards, including those developed by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE), who creates international standards for many TV signal distribution products. Channel Master distribution amplifiers can be used in HDTV, CATV, off air, analog and digital RF distribution applications where high performance and reliability are required. The CM 3410 is a high quality ultra mini single output digital TV amplifier with passive return, which means the distribution amplifier does not have any amplification for signals in the return path frequency range (5 42 MHz). This frequency range is used in cable telecommunications networks to allow cable modems and set top boxes to communicate back through the cable network. Passive return amplifiers are the most commonly used in house distribution amplifiers by cable operators. Channel Master distribution amplifiers have precision machined F ports (conforms to SCTE standards) that are gold plated with beryllium copper construction to provide optimal distribution and amplification of your RF signals.
    Brand: Channel Master, Model: CM-3414, Color: White

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