CH Hanson USC00141 10-Inch Insulated Groove Joint Pliers

CH Hanson
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  • 10 inch tonge and groove pliers also known as water pump pliers are the most versatile pliers in the tool box with a maximum opening of 1 and 3/8 inch
  • Manufactured from hardened steel
  • Nylon 11 is the most abrasion resistant and impact resistant insulation for electrical and live line working hand tools
  • Longer lasting and safer and most comfortable groove joint pliers available
  • Lifetime warranty on the tool and insulation

  • C. H. Hanson offers the Toughest Insulated Tools in the industry. Virtually indestructible C. H. Hanson Insulated Hand Tools are the most impact resistant & abrasion resistant tools available. Nylon 11 is the hardest wearing and longest lasting protection of any insulated hand tool on the market and C. H. Hanson is the only manufacturer to use this unique injection molding process to permanently bind Nylon 11 to all our insulated tools. PVC dipped insulated tool will never reach maximum protection for the user as they are not abrasion resistant and PVC can easily be removed from the tool handles over time. All C. H. Hanson Insulated Tools carry a lifetime warranty on the tool & insulation and exceeds the International Standard: IEC 60900:2004 and ASTM F1505. C. H. Hanson performs a 100% production test by submerging the insulated tools in water with 10, 000V of electricity to insure the safety of the user and maximizing personal protection. All C. H. Hanson Insulated tools are rated for 1, 000V, Flame Retardant and Category "C" rated for extreme cold climate use. C. H. Hanson manufacturers the widest range of 1, 000V rated tools for electrical and live line working.
    Brand: CH Hanson, Model: USC00141, Color: Electric Orange, Size: 10-Inch

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