CB09 Graphtec Blade High Quanlity Holder Cutting Plotter Holder.

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  • Brand by AOMAG! Compatible with: Graphtec CB09U CB09
  • Suitable for standard Graphtec blades 19mm (Length) x 0.9mm (Diameter)
  • Aluminum-precision Vertical Adjustment
  • Materials: Aluminum Alloy
  • Note: Blades holder only, blades or any other accessories are NOT included!!

  • High Quanlity CB09 Graphtec Blade Holder Cutting Plotter Base Blade holders are made of imported high quality aluminum alloy and imported resins produced with high precision machines, blade holder with high precision, durability and long service life. Blade holder is matched to the machine, especially imported plotter, is generally not universal. Use the blade: 1, Blade should not extend too long, generally within half a millimeter is better, while paying attention to extended balde longer properly when carve the small print,in order to avoid the blade holder take the carved strokes away. Suitably engraved small print with new cutter and slow down. 2, when the word carved with angular phenomenon,you should change the blade to eliminate the problem,if the phenomenon persists after change blade,it should be the holder problem. 3, when problem arise the blade holder,try a drop of oil in the bearing and rotate the blade several times to lubricate, if still unresolved, consider replacing the blade holder. Specification: Total length: 51.8 mm Materials: Aluminum Alloy Colour: Sliver, Black Compatible with: Graphtec CB09U CB09 Aluminum-precision Vertical Adjustment FIT BLADE: Diameter (Clamp): 11.5 mm Diameter (Blade): 0.09 mm Note: The blade is NOT included!! Package Include: 1× Blade holder 1× Translucent round box
    Brand: AOMAG, Model: AOMAG3888231, Size: Blade Holder

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