Case Small Blue Bone Texas Toothpick Pocket Knife

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  • Tru-Sharp surgical steel blade
  • Great everyday pocket knife for projects around the house, the outdoors, and hiking
  • Length: 3 inches closed and 1.0 ounces
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

  • This Case Texas Toothpick is a part of the Blue Bone Family. There's a reason we call some friends “true blue”. That is because we know we can always count on them, no matter what. The same can be said about our Blue Bone knives. Time and again, their Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades get the job done, and their classic blue handles look even better the longer you carry them. This durable folding knife features a Rogers corn cob jigged blue bone handle and a long clip blade. The Clip blade is commonly used as a multi-purpose blade and preferred for detail work. This durable folding knife is constructed with Case Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel which is a special high-carbon steel that helps the blades hold an edge longer than conventional steel. It also offers extraordinary blade strength and corrosion resistance. The Small Texas Toothpick has a small design and fits well in a pocket or purse. This pocket knife is suitable for everyday demands, the outdoors, or hiking. Comes conveniently packaged in a box. Made in Bradford, PA, USA from domestic and imported materials.
    Brand: Case, Model: 02804, Color: Blue Bone, Size: Small

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