Carson Beginner 40x-400x Biological Microscope (MS-040)

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  • Metal body with a 360 degree rotatable monocular head | All glass optics ensure a clear, bright image | Illumination: Top and Bottom LED Light
  • Total Magnification: 40x-400x | Eyepiece: WF-10x | Objectives: 4x, 10x, 40x | Working Stage Size: 90mmx90mm
  • Condenser: N.A.0.65 | Filter Wheel and Diaphragm: 6 Positions
  • Included Accessories: Power Adapter: AC 110V-240V, 50-60Hz
  • Backed by Carson's One Year Limited Warranty

  • The 40x-400x table-top Microscope is a beginner level biological microscope that is idea for a student or family. The microscope has a metal body and a monocular head that sits at a 45 degree angle for comfortable viewing. The monocular head also rotates to 360 degrees for easy sharing of the specimen view. Illumination is provided by two bright white LED sources (transmission and reflection) which allow viewing of a wide range of transparent to opaque specimens. The microscope features a filter wheel with 5 color options. The included AC power adaptor allows for use internationally without the need for a voltage transformer. The MS-040 microscope is backed by Carson's one year limited warranty. At Carson, we strive to make sure our customers are 100% satisfied with the quality of our products. We are so confident in our products that we back them with a One Year Limited Warranty! This Carson product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase. Please contact Carson for additional warranty details.
    Brand: Carson, Model: MS-040

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