Candy Land 65th Anniversary Game

Winning Moves Games
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  • Celebrating over 65 years of great family fun!
  • Game includes Bi-fold heavy-duty game board, 4 plastic gingerbread men movers, deck of 64 cards and instructions
  • This game is inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame! Ages: 4 and up

  • Celebrating over 65 years of great family fun, this classic edition of Candy Land features the charming graphics and components from the game's early days. Candy Land was created in the 1940's and has been a favorite "first" game of children ever since. Millions of young children have learned how to recognize colors, practice counting and acquire the skills of taking turns and following directions, all with the help of this delightful game. This simple, race-to-the-finish game, is a rite of passage for all children. In 2005 the game was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame at The Strong Museum in Rochester, New York. This edition of Candy Land will bring back fond memories of Gumdrop Mountains, Candy Hearts, the Peppermint Stick Forest, Lollypop Woods, Ice Cream Floats, the Gingerbread Plum Tree, the Crooked Old Peanut Brittle House and Molasses Swamp. Your favorite Gingerbread Men movers are included, along with the traditional deck of colorful cards, which guide each move. The first player to wind their way to the pink-frosted Home Sweet Home wins the game! Playing Time 15-20 minutes for 2-4 players. Contents include a Bi-fold, heavy duty game board, 4 plastic gingerbread men movers, a deck of 64 cards and Instructions that includes "The Story of Candy Land".
    Brand: Winning Moves Games, Model: 1189, Color: Multicolor, Size: None

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