50 lbs free standing or under the table umbrella base
Comes standard with 16" receiver pole and security set knob
Constructed of powder coated steel with cement
Very durable for all types of settings
Use for any umbrella up to 1.5" in diameter
California Umbrella, Inc. has been producing high quality patio umbrellas and frames for over 50 years. The California Umbrella trademark is immediately recognized for its standard in engineering and innovation among all brands in the United States. As a leader in the industry, they strive to provide you with products and service that will satisfy even the most demanding consumers. Their umbrellas are constructed to give consumers many years of pleasure. Their canopy designs are limited only by the imagination. They are dedicated to providing artistic, innovative, fashion conscience and high quality products for all of your customer needs. This umbrella base will complete any of California Umbrella's featured umbrellas. Made from steel and concrete, this base is extremely durable and will hold up well in the outdoors. This base will complement any outdoor setup. Brand: California Umbrella, Model: CFMT160-Black, Color: No Wheels, Size: 50LBS
Custom Tab 01
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