California Baby Bubble Bath - Party, 13 oz

California Baby
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  • Promotes calmness and ensures a good night's sleep
  • Non-stripping of delicate mucous membranes, which can lead to yeast or bladder infections
  • No Sodium lauryl sulfate, DEA, or numbing agents
  • Contains organic & sustainably grown ingredients
  • Party favor

  • 13 oz / 390 ml bottle with twist cap. Safe for newborns and older. Use as a party favor. Filled with our Calming blend: French lavender to promote calmness and a good night's sleep. Specially packaged for use as a party favor and filled with California Baby's Calming blend, which relaxes, unwinds, and ensures a good night's sleep. Treat your guests to a unique parting gift: our aromatherapy bubble bath that friends and family will appreciate long after the party is over. 13 ounces too big Try our 2 ounce Party! favor. It's perfectly sized for stuffing birthday, wedding, baby or bridal shower 'goody' bags. Children-and adults!-love bubble baths, so we make them safe. Our special bubbling formula contains mild vegetable-derived bubbling agents, enriched with a nourishing herbal complex that works to protect delicate skin. Our non-drying and (extremely) biodegradable bubble bath strictly avoids the use of synthetic fragrances and harsh bubbling agents. This product was developed to avoid irritation (that is typical of other bubble baths) and we never use Sodium lauryl sulfate or DEA. No nut oils, gluten, soy, oat or dairy. Made in the U.S.A.
    Brand: California Baby, Model: 307-13, Size: 13oz foam bath

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