Get the most from your powered subwoofer investment! Make the right choice to transport the foundation of your music and cinema experience
Available in lengths up to 25ft
Lifetime Warranty
A cable whose job is to transmit just two or three octaves of audio information enjoys the most relaxed requirements of any interconnects in the system. Or does it Long lengths, punishing environmental factors and the necessity to handle extreme dynamic range are all part of the subwoofer interconnect's job description. This subwoofer cable offers superb impact and detail while maintaining a "tough as nails" built quality! Twisted pair oxygen-free copper wire and foamed PE dielectric fight noise and hum, and are optimized for bass signal transmission. Oxygen-free copper conductors deliver awesome impact and bass detail. The low loss 100% foil and spiral-wound oxygen-free copper (OFC) shielding protects the important bass signals from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). A tough, ultra-flexible jacket and 24K gold-plated heavy duty contacts ensure a lifetime of performance. Brand: C2G, Model: 29119, Color: Blue
Custom Tab 01
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