BW 43mm UV/IR Cut with with Multi-Resistant Coating (486M)

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  • This filter uses our standard BW F-Pro filter mount, which has a front accessory thread and is made of brass.
  • MRC by BW is not only an extraordinarily effective multiple layer coating, it is also harder than glass, so that it protects filters from scratches, and it is also water and dirt repellent, thus facilitating filter maintenance.
  • Manufactured from Water-White Schott Glass

  • This BW Interference Filter has a completely colorless glass carrier coated with a number of extremely thin, partially reflecting layers with precisely computed thicknesses, similar to MC coating. The BW Filter 486 does not block by means of absorption, but by interference of the unwanted UV and IR radiation that is repeatedly reflected between these layers, affecting the wavelengths on both sides of the visible spectrum with a steep cut-off. It is used mainly on digital and video cameras with CCD sensors without an integrated IR protection filter, because the IR sensitivity of the CCD sensor would otherwise cause color changes and unsharpness. That unsharpness results from the chromatic aberration of the lenses that are only corrected for visible light. In the visible range, the transmission curve is very high and straight. This filter is completely clear and it requires no increase in exposure. Its filter factor is 1.
    Brand: BW, Model: 66-014685, Color: Black, Size: 43 mm

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