Buyers Products BP100A 15-Ton Capacity Forged Swivel-Type Pintle Hook

Buyers Products
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  • Recommended for off-road applications (capacities reduced by 25%)
  • Swivel action provides torsional relief of the coupling
  • M.G.T.W of 30,000 lbs. and M.V.L. of 6,000 lbs.
  • Mounting Pattern (Center to Center) - Vertical: 2.00 in. - Horizontal: 4.50/8.00 in.
  • Drawbar eye dimensions - 2-3/8" to 3" I.D. with 1-1/4" to 1-5/8" diameter section.

  • The 15-Ton Swivel-Type Pintle Hook from Buyers Products has both a spring cushion and swivel action to reduce stress on towing mechanisms and allow for off-road and uneven terrain towing. The spring reduces stress upon acceleration and the swivel action allows for travel over rough terrain. It is ideal for construction and utility equipment, military equipment, and highway construction towing purposes for loads up to 30,000 lb. For off-road use, load should be reduced by 25%. The swivel-type pintle hook Includes mounting information, spec sheets, drilling template, and vehicle capacity decal.
    Brand: Buyers Products, Model: BP100A

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