Buyers Products 1802279 Tri-Ball Hitch with Pintle Hook

Buyers Products
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  • Convenient design switches balls with just a turn of the shaft.
  • Tri-ball hitch design handles a range of towing ball sizes and set ups.
  • Upper jaw locks in closed position for lunette eye towing.
  • Corrosion-resistant black powder-coated finish and chrome welded steel towing balls.
  • 1-7/8" ball rated up to 6,000 lbs.
  • 2" ball rated to 7,500 lbs.
  • 2-5/16" ball rated to 10,000 lbs.
  • All steel construction with black powder coat finish resists corrosion
  • Includes a 5/8" hitch pin hole and clip

  • The Tri-Ball Hitch with Pintle Hook from Buyers Products is an all-in-one, time-saving solution to handling different towing weight requirements. The hitch comes with three chrome balls attached to a solid shank, as well as a cast steel pintle hook. Tow up to 6,000 lb with the 1-7/8 in. ball; 7,500 lb with the 2 in. ball or the pintle hook; and 10,000 lb with the 2-5/16 in. ball. The hitch features a corrosion-resistant black powder-coated finish.
    Brand: Buyers Products, Model: 1802279

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