Bucephalus Timestreams: Stone Age vs Future Tech Game

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  • You and your opponents take turns filling a limited number of scoring slots in each age, rearranging, replacing or reordering inventions as you go.
  • The order is important because only the fist several cards in each era will score.
  • After all of the eras are filled, the game moves to the scoring phase: score points and use abilities to further manipulate the timeline.
  • Fun team building exercise and very educational.
  • 2-4players, 10 yrs and up

  • BGL0017 Stone Age vs. Future Tech Card Game By Bucephalus Games Timestreams Deck 1: Stone Age vs. Future Tech Players: 2 - 4 Playing Time: 45 minutes This multiplayer time-travel card game has players assign inventions to different time periods and then score points for appropriate combos and matching the correct eras for those inventions. The first pair of decks are Stone Age and Future Tech and contain over 120 unique pieces of original art.
    Brand: Bucephalus, Model: BGL-0017

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