Bruder Logging Man with Accessories

Bruder Toys
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  • Forest worker with hard hat and visor chain saw and fuel canister
  • 3-dimensional moveable limbs and head
  • Hands can grasp objects or hold onto vehicles

  • BRUDER's extensive range of products includes a great number of tractors, trailers and forestry equipment. Complementing this range in an ideal way are toy figures which add an element to the toy landscape that makes playing in it even more fun and realistic. The forest worker with accessories is the ideal supplement to any forestry equipment that is part of the product line. Just to be "safe", we included a hard hat with visor to allow the worker to start working right away. The set also includes a chain saw along with a fuel canister, allowing the children to imitate the day-to-day routine of a forest worker in as realistic a way as possible. The head as well as his arms and legs move, while his clothing matches the design of his real-world counterpart.
    Brand: Bruder Toys, Model: 60030, Color: Watermint

    Custom Tab 01

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