Brother Mobile Color Page Scanner, DS-720D, Fast Scanning, Compact and Lightweight, Duplex Scanning

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  • QUICK SCANNING: The Brother DS720D Mobile Color Page Scanner delivers lightning-quick scanning at up to 8 ppm, and 5 ppm in duplex model(1).
  • MULTIPLE MEDIA HANDLING: Easily scan photos, documents, receipts, business cards, ID cards, and more, up to 8.5 wide × 32 long.
  • COMPACT & LIGHTWEIGHT: The sleek new design measures 12 in length and weighs less than 1 pound, making the DS-720D compact and effective.
  • PRECISION SCANNING: The Brother DS-720D mobile color page scanner produces black & white and color scans up at up to 600 × 600 dpi resolution. Operating Environment: Temperature: 41°F - 95°F (5°C - 35°C)
  • BUNDLED VERSATILE SOFTWARE SUITE: The DS-720D includes desktop document management, OCR, and business card management.

  • For businesses or individuals who require a dual-sized scanner that is portable, compact, and lightweight, the Brother DS-720D mobile scanner is an exceptional and affordable solution. Delivering speeds of up to 8 pages per minute single-sided and 5 ppm in duplex scanning model(1), this mobile scanner is perfect for capturing digital images of receipts, business documents, business cards, ID cards, photos, invoices, and more. The DS-720D mobile scanner can scan at resolutions up to 1200 × 1200 dpi interpolated and 600 × 600 dpi optical, in color or black and white, and it includes multiple scanning software solutions for organizing and distributing these digital scans simply.

    The Brother DS-mobile 720D mobile scanner measures less than a foot in length and weighs less than one pound. Its compactness and sleek design make it easy to fit into a briefcase or travel bag. It is a digital portable scanner that is easy to operate and is powered by USB, and it can scan documents as large as 8.5 wide × 32 long.

    This Brother mobile scanner includes multiple software solutions, including desktop document management, business card management, and OCR management. This allows you to stay organized once you've captured your digital image. The DS-720D is also compatible with BR-Receipts(2), a receipt management software solution that helps you organize scanned receipts and data by exporting them to QuickBooks and Quicken software programs. The Brother DS-720D scanner is compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac computers and comes with a one-year limited warranty and free phone support for the lifetime of the product.

    (1)Color and monochrome scan speed with all advanced features turned off, LTR at 300dpi. See manufacturer's website for details. (2)BR-Receipts software available via download from Brother Online (only available in the USA). Visit manufacturer's website for download details. Quicken and QuickBooks are trademarks and service marks of Intuit Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.

    Brand: Brother, Model: DS720D, Color: White

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