Broan 403023 30 In. Black Ducted Range Hood

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Brand Broan
Model 403023
Color Black

  • Installs as 3-1/4" x 10" vented only
  • 160 CFM, 6.5 Sone (vertical or horizontal discharge) performance - HVI 2100 Certified
  • Dishwasher-safe aluminum grease filter
  • A protective lamp lens distributes light evenly over the cook-top and accepts up to 75W bulb (bulb not included)
  • Duct connector with built-in damper included
  • Black ducted range hood
  • Air delivery no less than 160 CFM and sound levels no greater than 6.5 Sone
  • Backdraft damper and ducted vertically or horizontally to the outside
  • Rocker-type 2-speed fan switch and separate light switch
  • 2795 RPM motor permanently lubricated

  • The Broan 40000 series is made for a wide range installations and comes in a variety of appliance matching colors and widths. The durable under cabinet hood installs as 3-1/4 in. x 10 in. ducted opening only and ducts either vertically or horizontally. The hood features a fan designed for years of trouble free service, an easy to clean grease filter, a protective lamp lens that distributes light evenly over the cook-top and control switches for fan speed and light activation. Includes duct adapter with built-in damper.

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