Brewcraft HOZQ8-104#10 Rubber Stopper Airlock Hole, Beige

Craft Brew
Out Of Stock


  • Drilled rubber stopper
  • Size 10
  • Fits airlock

  • A drilled rubber stopper is a simple but very effective piece of homebrew supplies. This #10 drilled stopper is made of solid rubber with a pre-drilled hole in the center for a standard-sized airlock. Plug it in the mouth of your carboy or fermenter and insert the airlock. You'll have an Airtight seal that minimizes the amount of oxygen that might interfere with your fermentation. For premium results with your homebrew, you need to keep oxygen away from your fragile fermentation. Get your #10 drilled rubber stopper today! please note: for best results, measure the diameter of the mouth of your carboy or fermenter and Compare to rubber stopper measurements to find a good fit. . in stock and ready to ship. Features: made of rubber. Creates an Airtight seal in mouth of carboy or fermenter. Specs: dimensions: 1 5/8' bottom diameter, 1 15/16' top diameter. #10 rubber stopper airlock hole, country of origin - Canada, manufacturer name - Brewcraft.
    Brand: Craft Brew, Model: HOZQ8-104, Color: Beige

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