Breathe right drug free snoring and congestion nasal strips small med original tan
Breathe Better, Sleep Better
Breathe Right nasal strips gently open nasal passages so you can breathe through your nose and close your mouth, reducing snoring
Breathe Right Drug Free Snoring and Congestion Nasal Strips Small Med Original Tan Description: Breathe Better, Sleep Better. Opens Your Nose To: Reduce Snoring. Relieve Nasal Congestion. Drug Free. Breathe Right nasal strips gently open nasal passages so you can breathe through your nose and close your mouth, reducing snoring. Have you ever used a common cold treatment or allergy product to help relieve nasal congestion Cold treatments and allergy products work for some causes of congestion, such as a cold or flu. But many people prefer a drug-free decongestant for themselves and their children. and medication may not provide enough relief or even be the right treatment, particularly for someone with a deviated septum. When you have a cold or the flu try Breathe Right nasal strips to get fast, effective nasal congestion relief. They gently open nasal passages to give your nose more breathing room naturally. Breathe Right nasal strips use patented reflex technology to gently lift your nasal passages, allowing you to breathe easier. Each drug-free, non-prescription nasal strip consists of flexible, "spring-like" bands. Placed correctly across the nose, the bands gently lift the sides of nose to provide: Nasal congestion relief due to the common cold or allergies. Snoring relief for a better night's sleep. Better breathing for people with a deviated septum. Athletes also use nasal strips to improve their breathing during a workout. Breathe Right nasal strips are ideal for every kind of aerobic exercise. Original Tan. Effective, drug-free, easy-to-apply tan nasal strips provide snoring relief and nasal congestion relief due to colds, flu or allergies. Choose From Two Sizes. Small/Medium (Sm/Med on the package) works best for most (85%) adults and adolescents. Large is recommended for adults with larger noses. Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Brand: Breathe Right, Model: tan 30 smed, Size: 30 count
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