Braeburn 1220NC Non-Programmable Thermostat

SKU: EZDB008D7L448
In Stock


Brand Braeburn
Model 1220NC
Color white
Size AA

  • Large 2 sq. In. Display with bright blue backlight, adjustable temperature limits, hardwire or battery powered
  • Permanent memory retains settings, compressor short cycle protection, separate O & B terminals
  • Adjustable temperature differential, auxiliary heat indicator, low battery indication
  • Esd guard electronic circuitry, front access reset button, F°/C° switch
  • English/Spanish packaging and instruction card with free contractor branding

  • The digital non-programmable thermostat shall be a Braeburn1220NC number 1220NC, 3.62” high x 4.72” wide x 1.38” deep, powered independently with either 24 vac or two “aa” alkaline batteries (3.0 volt dc). the thermostat shall be compatible with multi-stage conventional or heat pump systems with up to two stages of heating and one stage of cooling and heat pump systems with one compressor and up to one auxiliary stage. The thermostat shall have a bright blue backlight display and separate sub-base for trouble free installation. Temperature control range shall be between 45° and 90° F (7° and 32° c), accuracy of /- 1° F (/- .5° c), humidity range between 5% and 95% relative humidity. The thermostat shall include non-volatile memory to retain user settings, adjustable temperature limits and auxiliary heat indicator. Thermostat shall have low battery indication and a front reset button will return user settings to default values when pressed. The thermostat can be mounted to a horizontal junction box.

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