Bounce Ball, 12 PCS Sensory Knobby Bounce Balls Party Balls Massage Balls With Air Pump Set 4.72"

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  • 12 pack of colorful knobby balls.
  • Knobby Bounce Balls are lightweight & have a cool, bumpy texture.
  • Great for babies to the big kids.
  • Great for learning how to play catch, also great for the pool or tub.
  • Note: balls shipped uninflated and colors may vary.

  • 12 pack Knobby Bounce Ball of assorted colors. Each ball can bounce pretty high. These have a cool, bumpy, and tacky texture. These are also known as sensory ball. Perfectly safe for kids, made entirely of soft rubbery material. Great for kids in the bathtub. These are also known as sensory ball. Note: balls shipped deflated and colors may vary. New brandLoveInUSA Our brand purpose: CUSTOMER FIRST 30-Day Money Back Guarentee.100% Secure Shopping Please select LoveInUSA seller--Thank you!
    Brand: LoveInUSA

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