bobalong Bottle Holder, Grape/Hot Pink

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  • Keeps baby bottles and pacifiers off the ground and safely within your baby's reach
  • Increases safety while driving
  • Supports and encourages independent feeding
  • Reduces frustration for baby and caregiver
  • Ages 6 18 months

  • Created by an everyday mom, the bobalong puts an end to the constant frustration of the dropped bottle and lost pacifier. The bobalong baby vest, with interchangeable sleeves, keeps your baby's bottle and pacifier safely within their reach and off of the ground once and for all. Uniquely designed for babies who can sit up on their own (ages 6-18 months) and are gaining independence in self feeding, the bobalong is perfect for many on the go places including car seats, strollers, high chairs, airplanes, grocery carts, wagons, baby joggers, baby backpacks, beach/poolside and many others. Innovative two piece design focused on safety first. Bottle sleeve cannot be maneuvered around baby's neck. Bottle weight is disbursed over babies' shoulders. Unique Design. Baby vest is streamlined and lightweight allowing for ultimate comfort. Interchangeable sleeves allow you to change from bottle sleeve to pacifier sleeve without removing the vest. Sleeve stretches over top of bottle to discourage its removal by baby. Quality and details: lightweight neoprene core is stretchable allowing for a snug, secure fit. Lycra shell is stain/water resistant and easy to clean. Side and back hook and loop closures allow for a custom fit and easy on/off use. Zigzag stitching adds strength and durability to all trimmed areas.
    Brand: bobalong, Model: BOB01, Color: Grape/Hot Pink

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