BlueDot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Blue, 24-Pack

Bluedot Trading
Out Of Stock


  • COMPLETLEY WATERPROOF! Because they are waterproof tea lights that are battery operated, you can put them in aquariums, vases, or other table decorations
  • LONG LASTING & REUSABLE:Typically lasts 30-40 hours (your results may vary).
  • BATTERIES INCLUDED: Replaceable Batteries - There are 2 per light-#CR2032 )
  • USE FOR ANY OCCASION: Use the lights anywhere you want to add color - weddings, fish tanks, pool, birthday parties or just daily use in your home.
  • OTHER COLORS/ QUANTITIES AVAILABLE: Our high quality tea lights are available in virutally every color and quantity combination!

  • To use: Untwist the top portion of the light and remove the plastic circle that is on top of the first battery. Tighten the two halves until led turns off to stop the light. To replace the batteries, twist the two halves until they open. Dispose of battery properly or recycle it. Insert new CR2032 batteries with side face down in the battery compartment. Tighten up the two halves. W
    Brand: Bluedot Trading, Model: Blue submersible tea lights 24 pack, Color: Blue, Size: 24

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