Silver scalloped cake platter, decorated with silk flowers, and topped with a keepsake porcelain baby block
Approximately 40 stage one premium diapers up to 14 pounds
A celebrity favorite ready for gift giving
Made in USA
Bloomers Baby Diaper Cakes are the perfect gift for new or expectant parents. These beautiful and stylish couture baby diaper cakes are actually created with layers of disposable diapers and adorned with cascading silk flowers. Bloomers Baby Diaper Cakes offer fresh and modern baby diaper cake designs in a variety of styles, colors and sizes. They are set on a silver scalloped cake platter, decorated with silk flowers, and topped with a keepsake porcelain baby block. These are wrapped in white tulle, tied with a satin bow, and secured with an old fashioned diaper pin. Bloomers Baby Diaper Cakes are the must have gift for new and expectant parents. Brand: Bloomers, Model: M202, Color: Cream Dahlia, Size: 2-Tier
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