Blazer International Trailer & Towing Accessories Blazer C6424 Square Submersible Trailer Light Kit

Blazer International
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  • Includes: 2-Submersible Stop / Tail / Turn Lights, Wire Harness, License Plate Bracket, Mounting Hardware, and Trilingual Instructions
  • Offers a Universal Design with 2-Inches On Center Spacing
  • Features Trilingual Instructions
  • Replacement Bulbs: Standard Auto #194 and #1157
  • Blazer is a Recognized Leader in the Aftermarket Lighting Industry

  • Blazer C6424 Square Submersible Trailer Light Kit is designed to meet DOT requirements for trailers both over and under 80-Inches wide. This kit is not only ideal for boat trailers, but for any utility, camping, snowmobile, and motorcycle trailers. The "Bell Jar" design prevents water from coming in contact with either the bulb or socket. Additionally, the lenses are sonically sealed eliminating the need for gaskets that can dry rot and leak. The Stop / Tail / Turn lights feature universal back and side mount options. The lights are replaceable with Blazer model numbers B84 and B94. The kit includes 2-Submersible stop / tail / turn lights, wire harness, license plate bracket, mounting hardware, and trilingual instructions - everything needed for easy installation. Additional side marker lights and reflectors are necessary to fulfill legal requirements. Perfect By Land or Sea! Blazers Trailer Light Kits conform to US FMVSS 108 and Canadian CMVSS Safety Standards. Blazers kits come with everything needed to mount and install the light kit. They are available in standard and submersible versions. Blazer is a recognized leader in the aftermarket lighting industry. Blazers product line contains products and accessories such as Stop / Tail / Turn Lamps, Marker Lights, Reflectors, License Lights, Replacement Lenses, Off-Road Lighting, Auxiliary Lighting, Safety Lighting, Portable Spotlights, Mounting and Wiring Accessories, and much more!
    Brand: Blazer International, Model: C6424, Color: Red, Size: Pack of 1

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