Blazer GB4101 Brush Flame Table Top Butane Gas Burner

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  • Adjustable, wide, brush-shaped, blue-torch flame, for versatilityNozzle head points straight up, for ease of useTabletop burner, with heavy-duty base, for hands-free, safe usePiezoelectric ignition system, requires no electrical connection2,370-degree F blue-torch flame, for more precise flame tip

  • The Blazer GB4101 brush flame, tabletop, butane, gas burner is a refillable burner that creates a wide, brush-shaped flame emitting from a nozzle head, allowing direct heat application to an object. It is used for detailed purposes such as brazing, plumbing, soldering, jewelry making, culinary, dental and lab applications, and work that requires a traditional Bunsen burner.

    The GB4101 is a tabletop burner, with an adjustable, wide, brush-shaped, blue-torch flame for versatility, and a nozzle head that points straight up, at a 180-degree angle, for ease of use. It features a heavy-duty base, and is designed for stability, safety, and hands-free use.

    The burner houses a piezoelectric ignition system, which is based on a pressurized molecular reaction, and requires no electric connection. Piezoelectric energy occurs when the trigger is activated, releasing a small, spring-loaded internal hammer that strikes a crystal, producing a spark and resulting in gas flame ignition.

    With a maximum flame temperature of 2,370 degrees F (1,300 degrees C), the burner has a continuous burn time of approximately 1.0 hour, at maximum fuel capacity, at maximum flame temperature, and a 35-gram gas capacity. It measures 4.5 (l) x 3.1 (w) x 3.2 (h) inches, and weighs 13.2 ounces. This product is intended strictly for use in professional and industrial environments. In accordance with federal regulations, home use of this product is prohibited.

    Since 1985, Blazer Products has created an array of professional and industrial tools and equipment. Located in Farmingdale, NY, the company manufactures a variety of torches and ultrasonic cleaners. Blazer Products is known worldwide for its original micro torch products.

    The GB4101 burner operates with a standard butane canister (sold separately).

    Brand: Blazer, Size: Brush Flame

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